Sunday, November 14, 2010

Google and world domination

There's this joke between my wife and I, where I always say that Google is trying to take over the world. I say that half-joking, because Google is really making the world a smaller place. And although I say that with  a Big Brother tone, I always use Google for all my searches. I've become pretty good in finding things in Google. I can find answers on any topic in less than ten seconds. I'm a pretty fast typer, plus I also have developed a skill for keywords that return results.

And, well, I'm also reading and reviewing a book on Google. And if you haven't joined me in that quest, you really should. The point is that Google is a pretty amazing company. There are many things that you can do, that you really never have to visit another site. Not even Facebook. I know, that's almost sacrilegious to most of you. But hey, I'm a fan of Facebook too. I've recently become a self-taught social media connoisseur.

So, this blog, besides having random things about my life, will also cover any new and exciting things about certain social media sites, or just technology in general. And yes, there will be plenty on Google, since I happen to love using it.

Did you know that you can get email updates about anything you wish? You can monitor news stories or follow your favorite sports team. You can get email alerts pretty much about anything you wish. You can sign up at Google Alerts.

Also, Google is competing with giant, when it launched their own store. You can check it out (get it?) over at Google Checkout.

These are only two products that they offer. I will cover some more in entries to come. They have some pretty amazing stuff.

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